Rodriguez Lopez y Uribe Senior | pagina de Genealogia.

El transcurso legendario de cuatro hilos de sangre.
Genealogias de Colombia. Historia familiar. Investigadores Genealogicos

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Inclining Analemmatic Sundial

Inclining Analemmatic Sundial, made by or for Mordecai Semah Aboab (c.1707-55) Amsterdam, 18th century (brass)/Private Collection/The Bridgeman Art Library
Title: analemma is designed for use without a compass;
Description: 18th (C18th)Date: Scientific Equipment
De Webster Signature Database Search Results:
Maker Info:_Holland, c.1750
Comments: there are two sundials with this name but it is probable that he was the owner.
Location: Amsterdam.
References: Rooseboom 1; Schuhmann; MADEX; Mörzer Bruyns 2.

Nombre de archivoAnalematic.jpg
Tamaño de Archivo39.39k
Dimensiones338 x 400
Fuente de la Fotowww.bridgemanart.com
Información de CopyrightCopyright: www.bridgemanart.com
EncabezadoMFR135756 Inclining Analemmatic Sundial, made by Mordecai Semah Aboab (c.1707-55) Amsterdam, 18th century (brass); length: 18.5 cm; Private Collection; (add.info.: analemma is designed for use without a compass;); out of copyright
Palabras Claveinstrument;equipment;time;measuring;elliptical dial;scientific;science;timepiece;apparatus
Vinculado aMordechai de Ishac Semah Aboab y Senior

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