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El transcurso legendario de cuatro hilos de sangre.
Genealogias de Colombia. Historia familiar. Investigadores Genealogicos

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Identidade e Memória Sefardita: História e Actualidade Terra(s) de Sefarad 2017 Encontros de Culturas Judaico-Sefardita CATARINA DE ORTA (C. 1512–1569)

De J. P. Nascimento e Silva
Investigador independenteABSTRACT
Catarina de Orta was the youngest full sister of Garcia de Orta, the author of the «Coloquios dos simples, he drogas e cousas mediçinais da India» (published in Goa, 1563). Born c. 1512, in Castelo de Vide (Alentejo, Portugal), she faced the Inquisition in Lisbon (1547) and in Portuguese Goa (1568-69), where she was executed. Silva Carvalho’s revelation, in 1934, that Garcia de Orta originated from a former Spanish Jewish family converted to Catholicism in Portugal, in 1496-97,
changed the perception about Garcia de Orta. In 1960, I. S. Révah corrected some statements made by Silva Carvalho and focused on the descendants of the Ortas’ family. In this context, Catarina de Orta’s Inquisition files were among those most relevant to assess biographical elements. The communication aims to review, in this same perspective, the content of these files concerning her immediate family.

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Propietario del originalJ. P. Nascimento e Silva
LugarOld Goa, Goa, India
Nombre de archivoIdentidade_e_Memoria_Sefardita_Historia.pdf
Tamaño de Archivo10.51m
Vinculado aFernao (Isaac) de Orta; Catarina de Orta y Gomes; Medico Garcia de Orta y Gomes; Isabel de Orta y Gomes; Violante de Orta y Gomes; Filipa Gomes de Orta; Duarte Goncalves de Orta

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