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El transcurso legendario de cuatro hilos de sangre.
Genealogias de Colombia. Historia familiar. Investigadores Genealogicos

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Mosseh Levie

Mosseh Levie

Varón Cir. 1591 - 1640  (49 años)

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  • Nombre Mosseh Levie 
    Parentescowith Maritza Uribe Senior
    Nacimiento Cir. 1591  Portugal Buscar todos los individuos que registran eventos en este lugar. 
    Sexo Varón 
    También conocido/a como Moseh Levy 
    Fallecimiento 1 Ene 1640  Amsterdam, North Holland, Paises Bajos Buscar todos los individuos que registran eventos en este lugar. 
    Entierro Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Ouder-Amstel, North Holland, Paises Bajos Buscar todos los individuos que registran eventos en este lugar. 
    ID Persona I480  rodriguezuribe.co
    Última Modificación 26 Jun 2023 

    Familia Antepasados Clara Rachel de Antonio Rodriguez Maduro y Fernandes,   n. 1596, Trancoso, Aveiro, Portugal Buscar todos los individuos que registran eventos en este lugar.f. 1 Ene 1640, Amsterdam, North Holland, Paises Bajos Buscar todos los individuos que registran eventos en este lugar. (Edad 44 años) 
    Marriage Cir. 1619  Amsterdam, North Holland, Paises Bajos Buscar todos los individuos que registran eventos en este lugar. 
    Tipo: Sinagoga 
    Age at Marriage He : ~ 28 años - She : ~ 23 años. 
    +1. Cirujano Salomon de Moshe "Salomao" Levie Maduro y Rodriguez,   n. 1629, Amsterdam, North Holland, Paises Bajos Buscar todos los individuos que registran eventos en este lugar.f. 28 May 1699, Amsterdam, North Holland, Paises Bajos Buscar todos los individuos que registran eventos en este lugar. (Edad 70 años)
    +2. David de Moshe Levie Maduro y Rodriguez Casado: 2x2x ,   n. Cir. 1635, Amsterdam, North Holland, Paises Bajos Buscar todos los individuos que registran eventos en este lugar.f. 30 Jun 1689, Amsterdam, North Holland, Paises Bajos Buscar todos los individuos que registran eventos en este lugar. (Edad 54 años)
    Judica (Judith) Peres  c. 1654;   Deborah Gomes  c. 1663
    ID Familia F186  Hoja del Grupo  |  Family Chart
    Última Modificación 19 Feb 2014 

  • Mapa del Evento
    Enlace a Google MapsNacimiento - Cir. 1591 - Portugal Enlace a Google Earth
    Enlace a Google MapsMarriage - Tipo: Sinagoga - Cir. 1619 - Amsterdam, North Holland, Paises Bajos Enlace a Google Earth
    Enlace a Google MapsFallecimiento - 1 Ene 1640 - Amsterdam, North Holland, Paises Bajos Enlace a Google Earth
    Enlace a Google MapsEntierro - - Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Ouder-Amstel, North Holland, Paises Bajos Enlace a Google Earth
     = Enlace a Google Earth 

  • Lápidas
    Certificado de Lapida Mosseh Levie Maduro
    Certificado de Lapida Mosseh Levie Maduro

  • Notas 
    • De Mordechai Arbell:
      The world's other Jewish president
      Ricardo Maduro, who was sworn in last January as president of Honduras, in the wake of democratic elections held in that country, is the second Jewish president in Honduran history. In 1847, Juan Lindo, the son of a Spanish Jew, Joaquin Fernandes Lindo, was elected to this post. He served as president until 1852 and is remembered for his extensive activities in the field of education. He founded an efficient, centralized system of education and set up a school in every village.

      Previously, in 1841 and 1842, Juan Lindo was the president of the republic of El Salvador. Here we have a rare historical event, in which the same individual served as president in two different republics. In El Salvador as well, Lindo is remembered as a distinguished educator and as the founder of the national university.

      Ricardo Maduro is not the first member of his family to become the president of a country. A distant relative, Eric Arturo Delvalle, was sworn in as president of Panama in 1987. During his presidency, Delvalle brought a Torah scroll from Jerusalem and donated it to the Spanish- Portuguese synagogue in Panama City, Kol Shearith Israel, of which he was a member. His uncle, Max Delvalle, became president of Panama in 1969. In an address he delivered after his election, he said, "Today there are two Jewish presidents in the world - the president of the State of Israel and I." On the day of his inauguration, the British ambassador to Panama told him that Delvalle's inauguration as a Jewish president reminded him of Benjamin Disraeli. To which President Delvalle replied, "Yes, but Disraeli was only a prime minister. I am the president of a country."

      The Maduros are one of the most illustrious and highly respected Jewish families in the Caribbean Islands and Central America. The members of this family meticulously recorded its chronicles from one generation to the next. The first recorded event relates to the year 1512. Antonio and Leonora Roiz lived as marranos (crypto-Jews) in Portugal and concealed their Jewish identity from the authorities. Their son, Diego, added to his family name the title Maduro, which means mature or senior. Diego's son, Antonio Roiz Maduro, was sentenced to be burned to death by the Inquisition in Portugal for "crimes against the Catholic faith and for observance of the laws of Moses." He was burned alive at the stake in the central square of the Portuguese city of Coimbra.

      His wife managed to escape to France in 1618 and publicly resumed her observance of Jewish law. Her daughter, Clara, changed her name to Rachel and moved to the Netherlands in 1619, where she met Moshe Levy. As a gesture of respect for the Maduro family, Levy added Maduro to the name of his own family, which from that time on became known as Levy Maduro.

      Levy's grandson, Moshe Levy Maduro, arrived with his family in the Caribbean island of Curacao in 1672. He came there to serve as cantor in the local synagogue and subsequently settled on the island, becoming the owner of several farms and an exporter of tropical fruits, which he sent to Europe on his own ships. His siblings settled in Jamaica and on the island of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands.

      Commemorative stamps
      The fact that close ties were maintained between the members of the Maduro family was a major factor in their prosperity. The Maduros, who were involved in a wide range of economic activities, were strict observers of the laws of Judaism and served in voluntary capacities in the synagogues in the region. A prominent member of the family, Samuel Levy Maduro, who resided on the island of St. Thomas, was recognized in 1845 as a great scholar in sacred Jewish studies.

      Other members of the Maduro family made a name for themselves as writers and historians. Some of them were affluent and contributed generously to Jewish causes.

      Shlomo Eliahu Levy Maduro was a prominent member of the family. In 1837, he founded the company that is known today as Maduro Holdings. The company's holdings include a shipping firm, storage facilities for coal and crude oil, airlines, and factories for the manufacture of paints and construction materials. The holdings are located throughout the Caribbean Islands, as well as in South America and the United States. The government of the Netherlands Antilles issued a series of stamps to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Maduro Holdings, which made a major contribution to the prosperity of Dutch colonies in the New World.

      The Maduro family's bank, the Maduro Bank, was founded in 1916 and merged with another bank, owned by the Curiel family, in 1932. The new bank was named the Maduro & Curiel Bank. Today, it is the largest bank among the Caribbean Islands and it funds development programs throughout the region. The Maduro & Curiel Bank set up loan funds for Holocaust survivors who settled in the Caribbean Islands and helped them rebuild their lives. The Netherlands Antilles government issued a series of stamps to mark the bank's 75 anniversary.

      A prominent intellectual in Curacao was Jossy Maduro, who specialized in the study of the history of Spanish Jewry in the Americas. He established libraries and assisted academic institutions. His work came to an abrupt end when his son, George Levy Maduro, was murdered by the Nazis.

      Award for bravery
      George Levy Maduro was born in Curacao in 1916 and traveled to Leiden in the Netherlands to study law. When the Nazis invaded the Netherlands in May 1940, he joined the Dutch army as a captain and fought with great courage against the invading German forces. He participated in one of the few counter-offensives against the Wehrmacht. Following the Netherlands' surrender, he was taken prisoner by the Germans. After being caught in a daring escape attempt, he was turned over to the Germans. He died on February 9, 1945 in the Dachau concentration camp. In his memory, his father donated the funds for the construction of a miniature city, Madurodam, that is located near the Dutch capital, The Hague, and which was created to bring joy to the hearts of children from all over the world. The revenue from the admission fee to the site is transferred to institutions for the care of the infirm and the chronically ill in the Netherlands. The Dutch government posthumously granted George Levy Maduro an award for bravery.

      When the Panama Canal was built, the economic center of gravity in the Caribbean region and Central America shifted to the republic of Panama. Members of the Maduro family from Curacao, St. Thomas and Jamaica began to move to Panama, where they soon occupied key positions. Other family members moved to Costa Rica, Honduras and Guatemala. In all these countries, Jews of Spanish and Portuguese origin were warmly welcomed and, within a short while, they integrated into public life and the economy, playing an active role in the regime.

      According to the testimony of East European Jews who arrived in Central America in the 1930s, the center of Jewish life in Costa Rica and the main synagogue in that country was the home of Moshe Levy Maduro. A member of that branch of the Maduro family, Osmond Levy Maduro, a native of Panama, moved with his children to Honduras. One of his sons, Ricardo, was elected president of Honduras in January 2002.
    • De Esther en ForumBiodivesity.com:
      Stories of Jewish Ancestors
      My 11th great grandfather
      As a gesture of respect for the Maduro family, Moseh Levy (Levi) added Maduro to the name of his own family, which from that time on became known as Levy Maduro, nowadays just known as Maduro.
      Married to Rachel they became Jews, once again
      Moseh Levy was a descendant of Samuel (Shmuel) Ben Meir Ha-Levi Abulafia (c.1320-1360). Scion of an old Jewish family, Samuel Ha-Levi Abulafia was advisor and treasurer (tesorero real) to King Pedro I of Castile (1350-1369) (also known as Pedro the Cruel) from 1350, and founder of a number of synagogues in the Kingdom of Castile Spain.
      Samuel Levi's fate took a turn for the worse in 1360, when King Pedro arrested and imprisoned him in Seville, having accused Samuel of taking part in a conspiracy against him. While in prison Samuel was tortured to death and all his possessions were confiscated by the king including his house and the synagogue de Transito.
      The street in Toledo where Samuel lived is called after him "Calle de Samuel Levi".

      My 11th great grandmother:
      As a converso in Portugal, Rachel used the name "Clara Roiz." -------------------- After Clara's father was burned alive at the stake in the central square of the Portuguese city of Coimbra. His wife managed to escape to France in 1618 and publicly resumed her observance of Jewish law. Her daughter, Clara, changed her name to Rachel and moved to the Netherlands in 1619, where she met Moshe (Moseh) Levy -------------------- Clara (Rachel/Raquel Rodrigues / Roiz o Maduro; b. 1596, Transcoso, Portugal; d. Amsterdam; she was born Clara but took the name Rachel (Raquel) when rebaptized into the Jewish faith.
      I hope all of you whom are interested in your family origins will keep pursuing it, because even when it seems like you've reached a dead end, you might get a hint which will lead to thousands of relatives, and that is what happened to me, so never give up!
      I now 'have' 383 ancestors and 3.891 blood relatives. And for a long time I was stuck under 30 ancestors and had a lot of dead ends.

      My 10th great grandfather:
      4 of his sons who left Amsterdam are Moses L. Maduro (1st) to Curacao, Samuel L. Maduro (2nd) to Jamaica, Irmiao(Jeremias) L. Maduro (4th) to Curacao, and Aaron L.Maduro(5th) also to Curacao were he owned plantage Klein Sta. Martha. The daughters stayed in Holland
      When the Panama Canal was built, the economic center of gravity in the Caribbean region and Central America shifted to the republic of Panama. Members of the Maduro family from Curacao, St. Thomas and Jamaica began to move to Panama. Other family members moved to Costa Rica, Honduras and Guatemala and New York.

      My 13th great grandfather (I triple checked :-p)
      Antonio (Rodriguez ) known as Roiz and Leonora Roiz lived as marranos (crypto-Jews) in Portugal and concealed their Jewish identity from the authorities. Their son, Diego, added to his family name the title Maduro, which means mature or senior.
      In 1477, Ferdinand (whose great-grandmother was Jewish) and Isabella petitioned the Pope for the right to establish an Inquisition.The idea was to punish those who were practicing their Judaism while calling themselves Catholic.
      In 1492 every Jew had left Spain the majority crossed the border and went to Portugal, also the Rodrigues ancesor of Antonio Roiz, -------------------- http://dcodriscoll.pbworks.com/Peixotto
    • De Brea Croes en Geni.com:
      As a gesture of respect for the Maduro family, Moseh Levy (Levi) added Maduro to the name of his own family, which from that time on became known as Levy Maduro, nowadays just known as Maduro.

      Married to Rachel they became Jews, once again

      Moseh Levy was a descendant of Samuel (Shmuel) Ben Meir Ha-Levi Abulafia (c.1320-1360). Scion of an old Jewish family, Samuel Ha-Levi Abulafia was advisor and treasurer (tesorero real) to King Pedro I of Castile (1350-1369) (also known as Pedro the Cruel) from 1350, and founder of a number of synagogues in the Kingdom of Castile Spain.

      Samuel Levi's fate took a turn for the worse in 1360, when King Pedro arrested and imprisoned him in Seville, having accused Samuel of taking part in a conspiracy against him. While in prison Samuel was tortured to death and all his possessions were confiscated by the king including his house and the synagogue de Transito.

      The street in Toledo where Samuel lived is called after him "Calle de Samuel Levi"

      -------------------- Dera na: Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Ouder-Amstel, Noord-Holland, Países Bajos //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

      As a gesture of respect for the Maduro family, Moseh Levy (Levi) added Maduro to the name of his own family, which from that time on became known as Levy Maduro, nowadays just known as Maduro.

      Married to Rachel they became Jews, once again

      Moseh Levy was a descendant of Samuel (Shmuel) Ben Meir Ha-Levi Abulafia (c.1320-1360). Scion of an old Jewish family, Samuel Ha-Levi Abulafia was advisor and treasurer (tesorero real) to King Pedro I of Castile (1350-1369) (also known as Pedro the Cruel) from 1350, and founder of a number of synagogues in the Kingdom of Castile Spain.

      Samuel Levi fate took a turn for the worse in 1360, when King Pedro arrested and imprisoned him in Seville, having accused Samuel of taking part in a conspiracy against him. While in prison Samuel was tortured to death and all his possessions were confiscated by the king including his house and the synagogue de Transito.

      The street in Toledo where Samuel lived is called after him "Calle de Samuel Levi"


      http://dcodriscoll.pbworks.com/Peixotto Clara (Rachel/Raquel Rodrigues / Roiz o Maduro; b. 1596, Transcoso, Portugal; d. Amsterdam; she was born Clara but took the name Rachel (Raquel) when rebaptized into the Jewish faith.

      = Moseh Levy o Maduro; d. 1 Jan 1640; aged 23 in 1619; he adopted the name Maduro to his existing surname of Levy; supposedly a descendant of Samuel Levi (Samuel Ha-Levi Abulafia; 1320-60), the Treasurer of King Pedro the Cruel of Aragon.