Rodriguez Lopez y Uribe Senior | pagina de Genealogia.

El transcurso legendario de cuatro hilos de sangre.
Genealogias de Colombia. Historia familiar. Investigadores Genealogicos

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Carnet de deportacion Rebeka Sybilla Wolff

The card file consists of different types of cards. The majority of the card file consists of the two types of cards of the Central Transport Card File. Both types contain the following data: name, first name, date and place of birth and the former address of the detainee. The first type of cards of the transport cards also contains the date of the deportation to Terezin as well as the date and destination of the deportation from Terezin. The second type of the transport cards contains the date of the transport "to the East".

Propietario del originalFederation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic, Prag
LugarFrankfurt am Main, Hessen, Alemania
Nombre de archivorebeka kniess.jpg
Tamaño de Archivo151.54k
Dimensiones1524 x 1064
Vinculado aRebeca Sibylla Wolff Senior

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