Miniatura |
Descripción |
1 | ![](headstones/thumb_AbigaelSenior.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Abigael de Joseph Senior Coronel |
2 | ![](headstones/thumb_AbigailRodrigues.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Abigail Rodrigues Isidro y Cardozo |
3 | ![](headstones/thumb_AbrahamBSenior.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Abraham de Benjamin Senior |
4 | ![](headstones/thumb_AbrahamIFundam.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Abraham de Isaac Fundam y Senior Coronel |
5 | ![](headstones/thumb_fundam1.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Abraham de Jacob Fundam y Senior |
6 | ![](headstones/thumb_marchena.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Abraham de Marchena |
7 | ![](headstones/thumb_RODRIGUES.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Abraham Gabay, hijo de Mathias Rodrigues Cardoso (Alias Isaac Gabay) |
8 | ![](headstones/thumb_angela.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Angela Pimentel y Linda |
9 | ![](headstones/thumb_Batseba%20de%20Cardoso.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Batsebah de David Aboab Cardozo y de Casseres |
10 | ![](headstones/thumb_BenjaminFidanque.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Benjamin de Abraham Fidanque |
11 | ![](headstones/thumb_benjamin.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Benjamin de Mordechay Senior y Lopes |
12 | ![](headstones/thumb_clara.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Clara Montezinos |
13 | ![](headstones/thumb_constantiaduarte.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Constantia Duarte |
14 | ![](headstones/thumb_DanielSemahAboab.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Daniel Semah Aboab |
15 | ![](headstones/thumb_DavidAbinundeLima.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida David de Haim Abinun de Lima |
16 | ![](headstones/thumb_davidlevimaduro.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida David Levy Maduro |
17 | ![](headstones/thumb_davidvieyra.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida David Vieyra |
18 | ![](headstones/thumb_deboragomez.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Debora Gomes |
19 | ![](headstones/thumb_vieyra.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Emanuel de David Vieyra y Abendana |
20 | ![](headstones/thumb_EsterAbendana.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Ester Abendana |
21 | ![](headstones/thumb_EsterMordechaiAbendana.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Ester de Mordechay Abendana y Gomes de Pas |
22 | ![](headstones/thumb_ester1.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Ester de Mordechay Senior y Lopes |
23 | ![](headstones/thumb_esterlopes.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Ester Lopes |
24 | ![](headstones/thumb_esterpimentel.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Ester Pimentel y Linda |
25 | ![](headstones/thumb_judasenior.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Felipe Henriques y Pimentel Traduccion Libre:
Esposa Ester nacio en 1601, como la hija de Sarah Lindes, rota en pedazos grandes de piedra, el hombre y la mujer son dos primos. |
26 | ![](headstones/thumb_GabrielLevy.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Gabriel de Manuel Levie Mendes |
27 | ![](headstones/thumb_HanaFidanque.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Hanah Lea Fidanque |
28 | ![](headstones/thumb_HannaSenior.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Hanna de Abraham Senior y Aboab Cardozo |
29 | ![](headstones/thumb_IsaacFundam.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Isaac de Abraham Fundam y Senior |
30 | ![](headstones/thumb_IsaacJessurun.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Isaac Jessurun y Barzilay |
31 | ![](headstones/thumb_rachelduarte.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Isabel de Pas |
32 | ![](headstones/thumb_IsabellaDuarte.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Isabella Duarte |
33 | ![](headstones/thumb_IsaacAboab.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Ishac de Daniel Semah Aboab y Lopes Henriquez |
34 | ![](headstones/thumb_JacobAthias.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Jacob Athias |
35 | ![](headstones/thumb_JacobBarzilay.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Jacob Barzilay |
36 | ![](headstones/thumb_jacob.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Jacob de Jeudah Senior y Pimentel |
37 | ![](headstones/thumb_JacobFundam.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Jacob Fundam |
38 | ![](headstones/thumb_lopes%20h.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Jacob Haim Lopes Henriques |
39 | ![](headstones/thumb_JacobJessurun.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Jacob Jessurun |
40 | ![](headstones/thumb_fundam.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Jeudah de Mordechay Senior y Lopes |
41 | ![](headstones/thumb_JosephAbendana.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Joseph Abendana |
42 | ![](headstones/thumb_judahBenjamin.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Judah de Benjamin Senior y Senior |
43 | ![](headstones/thumb_judAH.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Judah de Jacob Senior y Lopes |
44 | ![](headstones/thumb_JudithJessurun.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Judith de Jacob Barzilay y Jessurun |
45 | ![](headstones/thumb_judith.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Judith Nahamias y de Luna |
46 | ![](headstones/thumb_LeaHallas.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Lea de Mordechai Hallas y Montezinos |
47 | ![](headstones/thumb_LeonoredePaz.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Leonore de Paz |
48 | ![](headstones/thumb_imanuelduarte.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Manuel Duarte |
49 | ![](headstones/thumb_manuellevyduarte.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Manuel Levy Duarte |
50 | ![](headstones/thumb_manuel.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Manuel Pimentel Traduccion de Nota de Lapida:
"Cream grafts." he has made meritorious cemetery purchase.
Widow hertr. Michiel de Castro. (grave not known)
Graf is Carr. 3 x 5 (However, according to LBH b 103 and 131;. BH ry 2 1 No. presumably the tombstone a second or so meters shifted to the current lie-going).
According to 916 bl.36 lies beside him Judith Abeniacar (overl.5443); a stone of her was not found; So they verm.ligt cart. 20 at 36.
St.ROS.1978 XII / 12 * -2 bl.173 note. 113 gives genealogical information; see also register "alias."
Children: David alias Sebastiao (geh.m. Judith Nahamias) and Ester (lawfulness been disputed)
see also St. XIII ROS 79/2 bl-234 nt. 44
deeds 2385, 2409 and 2410 |
51 | ![](headstones/thumb_maria.jpg) |
Certificado de lapida Maria Pimentel y Linda |
52 | ![](headstones/thumb_gabay.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Mathias Rodrigues Cardoso |
53 | ![](headstones/thumb_MayorRodrigues.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Mayor Rodrigues |
54 | ![](headstones/thumb_MordechaiBenjamin.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Mordechai de Benjamin Senior y Senior |
55 | ![](headstones/thumb_MordechaiSemah.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Mordechai de Ishac Semah Aboab y Senior |
56 | ![](headstones/thumb_MordechaiAbendana.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Mordechai de Joseph Abendana Pereira y Pimentel |
57 | ![](headstones/thumb_mordechay.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Mordechay de Jeudah Senior y Pimentel |
58 | ![](headstones/thumb_mordehaihalas.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Mordehai Hallas |
59 | ![](headstones/thumb_moshe.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Mosseh de Mordechay Senior y Lopes |
60 | ![](headstones/thumb_MosesLevyMaduro.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Mosseh Levie Maduro |
61 | ![](headstones/thumb_MosesHenriques.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Mozes de Jacob Gabay Henriques |
62 | ![](headstones/thumb_RachelFundam.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Rachel de Isaac Fundam y Senior Coronel |
63 | ![](headstones/thumb_Rachel%20senior.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Rachel de Jacob Senior y Lopes |
64 | ![](headstones/thumb_fundam2.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Rachel de Mordechay Senior y Lopes |
65 | ![](headstones/thumb_RachelBarzilay.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Rachel Jessurun |
66 | ![](headstones/thumb_RachelLopes.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Rachel Lopes |
67 | ![](headstones/thumb_RachelOeb.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Rachel Oeb |
68 | ![](headstones/thumb_RFAELBENJAMIN.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Rafael de Benjamin Senior y Senior |
69 | ![](headstones/thumb_ribca1.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Rebeca de Jacob Lopes Henriques |
70 | ![](headstones/thumb_RibcaJessurun.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Ribca de Jacob Barzilay y Jessurun |
71 | ![](headstones/thumb_RibcaSenior.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Ribca de Jeudah Senior y PImentel |
72 | ![](headstones/thumb_ribca.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Ribca de Mordechay Senior y Lopes |
73 | ![](headstones/thumb_SaraGabayHenriques.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Sara Gabay Henriques |
74 | ![](headstones/thumb_leonora.jpg) |
75 | ![](headstones/thumb_lopes.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Sarah Lopes |
76 | ![](headstones/thumb_SebastiaoPimentel.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Sebastiao Pimentel y Linda |
77 | ![](headstones/thumb_david.jpg) |
Certificado de Lapida Sebastiao Pimentel y Nunes |
78 | ![](headstones/thumb_abraham-and-isaac-senior-1727-sons-of-benjamin-senior-beth-haim.jpg) |
Foto de Lapida Abraham and Isaac Senior (1727), sons of Benjamin Senior, Beth Haim, Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Netherlands" Title Gravestone of Abraham and Isaac Senior (1727), sons of Benjamin Senior, Beth Haim, Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Netherlands
Date 1727
Date (numeric) 1727
Time Period 1700-1750
Gravestone of Abraham and Isaac Senior (1727), sons of Benjamin Senior, Beth Haim, Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Netherlands
Site/Building Beth Haim, Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Netherlands
Gravestone Number PIG #23983; #24088
Geographic Location Ouderkerk aan de Amstel [Netherlands]
Gravestone of Abraham Senior,Abraham Senior
Gravestone of Isaac Senior,Isaac Senior, Senior Family
Horizontal Stone Benjamin Senior
Sacrifice of Isaac
Ethnic Group Sephardi
Religious Affiliation Jewish
79 | ![](headstones/thumb_gravestone-of-isaac-jessurun-de-jong-1741-.jpg) |
Foto de lapida Isaac Jessurun (de Jong) (1741), son of Jacob Jessurun Title Gravestone of Isaac Jessurun (de Jong) (1741), son of Jacob Jessurun, in Beth Haim, Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Netherlands
Date 28 October 1741
Date (numeric) 1741-10-28
Time Period 1700-1750
Photographer Leibman, Laura
Description & Notes Gravestone of Isaac Jessurun (de Jong) (1741), son of Jacob Jessurun, in Beth Haim, Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Netherlands. Married three times: 1) Ester Henriques Mendes; 2) Rachel da Costa Athias; 3) Gracia Elisabeth Alvares del Sotto. Surrounding this grave are the graves of five grandchildren: Isaac, Gracia, hester, Esther, and Abraham.
Site/Building Beth Haim, Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Netherlands
Gravestone Number PIG #11902
Geographic Location Ouderkerk aan de Amstel [Netherlands]
Subject Keywords Gravestone
Burial Practice
Gravestone of Isaac Jessurun
Isaac Jessurun
Jessurun Family
Benjamin Jessurun
Gracia Jessurun
Hester Jessurun
Esther Jessurun
Abraham Jessurun
Ester Henriques Mendes
Henriques Mendes Family
Henriques Family
Mendes Family
Rachel da Costa Athias
Costa Athias Family
Costa Family
Athias Family
Gracia Elisabeth Alvares del Sotto
Gracia Jessurun Alvares del Sotto
Alvares del Sotto
Alvares Family
Sotto Family
Horizontal Stone
de Jongh Family
Isaac de Jong
Ethnic Group Sephardi
Religious Affiliation Jewish
Artifact Type Gravestones [Funerary Art]
Copyright Holder Laura Leibman |
80 | ![](headstones/thumb_moshe1.jpg) |
Foto de Lapida Mosseh de Mordechay Senior y Lopes |
81 | ![](headstones/thumb_moshe2.jpg) |
Foto de Lapida Mosseh de Mordechay Senior y Lopes |
82 | ![](headstones/thumb_MosesHenriques1.jpg) |
Foto de Lapida Mozes de Jacob Gabay Henriques |
83 | ![](headstones/thumb_LapidaDavidSenior1749-1.jpg) |
Lapida David Senior y Lopes |
84 | ![](headstones/thumb_LapidaAbrahamSenior.jpg) |
Lapida de Abraham de Mordechay Senior y Jessurun |