Rodriguez Lopez y Uribe Senior | pagina de Genealogia.

El transcurso legendario de cuatro hilos de sangre.
Genealogias de Colombia. Historia familiar. Investigadores Genealogicos

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[Búsqueda Avanzada]  [Apellidos]

 Gate of Heaven, Hawthorne, Weschester, New York, USA

Click on the pin in the map for additional information. Click on the link within the balloon or on the pin before the Latitude and Longitude below to get directions.

Latitud: 41.08948289750602, Longitud: -73.7968380235565 | Clic para conseguir direcciones al Gate of Heaven
Gate of Heaven

Gate of Heaven Cemetery, approximately 25 miles (40 km) north of New York City, was established in 1917 at 10 West Stevens Ave. in Hawthorne, Westchester County, New York, as a Catholic burial site. Among its famous residents is baseball player Babe Ruth, whose grave has an epitaph by Cardinal Francis Spellman and is almost always adorned by many baseballs, bats and caps. Adjacent to the Garden Mausoleum is a small train station of the Metro-North Railroad Harlem Division named Mount Pleasant, where four trains stop daily, two northbound and two southbound. Several baseball players are buried here.

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 #   Apellido, Nombre(s)   Enterrado/a   ID Persona 
1. Abinun de Lima Cespedes, Charles Edouard   f. 18 Sep 1964 Gate of Heaven, Hawthorne, Weschester, New York, USA Buscar todos los individuos que registran eventos en este lugar. I456