1631 - 1704 (73 años)
Nacimiento |
1631 |
Amsterdam, Paises Bajos |
Fallecimiento |
16 Dic 1704 |
Amsterdam, Paises Bajos |
Enterrado/a |
Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Ouder-Amstel, Noord-Holland, Paises Bajos |
Padre |
Felipe Henriques y Pimentel, n. 1588, Istanbul, Estambul, Turquía |
Madre |
Ester Pimentel y Lindes, n. 1601, Antwerpen, Antwerpen, Belgica |
Casado |
13 Dic 1616 |
Amsterdam, Paises Bajos |
Familia |
Ester Lopes Henriques y Lopes, n. 1642, Hamburgo, Alemania |
Casado |
28 Feb 1658 |
Amsterdam, Paises Bajos |
Hijos |
+ | 1. Judah de Jacob Senior y Lopes, n. 1659 |
+ | 2. Rachel de Jacob Senior y Lopes, n. 1683 |
1620 - 1680 (60 años)
Nacimiento |
12 Jul 1620 |
Amsterdam, Paises Bajos |
Fallecimiento |
17 Dic 1680 |
Amsterdam, Paises Bajos |
Enterrado/a |
Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Ouder-Amstel, Noord-Holland, Paises Bajos |
Padre |
Felipe Henriques y Pimentel, n. 1588, Istanbul, Estambul, Turquía |
Madre |
Ester Pimentel y Lindes, n. 1601, Antwerpen, Antwerpen, Belgica |
Casado |
13 Dic 1616 |
Amsterdam, Paises Bajos |
Familia |
Sarah Lopes Henriques y Lopes, n. 30 Nov 1638, Hamburgo, Alemania |
Casado |
28 Feb 1658 |
Amsterdam, Paises Bajos |
Hijos |
| 1. Jeudah de Mordechay Senior y Lopes, n. 1659 |
| 2. Capitan Jacob de Mordechay Senior y Lopes, n. 1663 |
+ | 3. Ester de Mordechay Senior y Lopes, n. 1663 |
+ | 4. David de Mordechay Senior y Lopes, n. 7 May 1664, Amsterdam, Paises Bajos |
+ | 5. Abraham de Mordechay Senior y Lopes, n. 1670, Amsterdam, Paises Bajos |
+ | 6. Rachel de Mordechay Senior y Lopes, n. 1670 |
+ | 7. Selomoh de Mordechay Senior y Lopes, n. 1672 |
+ | 8. Benjamin de Mordechay Senior y Lopes, n. 1675 |
| 9. Mosseh de Mordechay Senior y Lopes, n. Cir. 1676 |
+ | 10. Ribca de Mordechay Senior y Lopes, n. Cir. 1677 |
| 11. Ishac de Mordechay Senior y Lopes, n. 1678 |
Nombre |
Judah Senior y Senior |
Parentesco | with Maritza Uribe Senior
Sexo |
Varón |
También conocido/a como |
Judah Senior Henriques |
Orígenes |
Patriarca & Matriarca |
Mordechai Henriques, n. Cir. 1563, Istanbul, Estambul, Turquía f. 1607, Istanbul, Estambul, Turquía (Edad 44 años) (2 x Bisabuelo) Rachel Lopes f. 22 Oct 1680, Amsterdam, Paises Bajos (Bisabuela) |
ID Persona |
I1347 |
rodriguezuribe.co |
Última Modificación |
12 Mar 2023 |
Notas |
- Este documento de Georgia (USA), tambien paraece pertenecer a esta persona:
(357) Extract of the Accomptant's Letter to Mr. Oglethorpe dated 9th. August 1736.
Captain Dunbar attended the Committee of Accompts relating to the Freight of Passengers objected to be paid for by the Trust who went from Scotland, and Consist of thirty one heads; whose Freight were
H9 (357) d
payable by Grantees of 500. Acres Lots for the very purpose only of going at their own Expence. And which the Trustees in their Accompts cannot charge the Passage of. Such Passengers are as follow. Mr. John Cuthbert and ten Servants, ten Servants belonging to Mr. Patrick Mackay, and ten Servants belonging to Mr. John Mackay, whose Freight Ib at 5* P head amounts to L 155* The Trustees considering the Accompt Sts.ted the 13th. of Febry. last between your self and the Owners of the Ship Prince of Vales and your Draft on them at the foot of the said Accompt and also your Letter dated the seme day, whereby it appears to them That You had lent these People the said Passage to be repaid to the Trust by their Labour in the Publick Works of the Colony or in such Provisions as they shall have raised more than will support themselves and shall carry into the Publick Store, they have paid Mr. Simond the said L 155- and took a particular Receipt for the same on the back of the said Accompt, and thereby You stand accomptable to have the said & 155* repaid to the Trust in Provision and Labour in Georgia aforesd.; Please therefore to cause a particular Accompt to be kept of such Provision and Labour as paid; That the said L 155* may be discharged thereby.
The Trustees received your Letter dated the llth. of May 173%.
on 21st. July last and also a Bill drewn by You to Mr. Eveleigh or Ib order for 500.
There was not a Number to make a Common Council at that time to Consider thereof, nor come to any Resolution. (353)
But the Trustees present were greatly concern' d to find such a Demand of Expences occasioned by Forts out of the Limits of their Charter; which they are in no Capacity of defraying. And much fear that your
120 (338)
Advices of the Spaniards wanting to buy Presents at Charles Town; may have arose from Views of the Carolina Traders to get clear of their old Shopkeepers. For was Georgia to be attacked, the General Interest of Carolina would be carefull of Arms to defend themselves, and not
suffer themselves to be exposed.
Since then, vizt. on the 4th. Instant a Common Council met to Consider what was proper to be done relating to the ssid Bill. And they came to a Resolution, That the Services you mentioned for which the said Bill was drawn, were not Provided for, to be defrayed out of any Moneys in their hands, nor should they be able to justify them
selves in Parliament for making any such Expence. They therefore refused to accept the said Bill. Mr. Baker will return the Bill to Mr. Eveleigh after the time for Payment is elapsed which is the 18th. Instant.
The Eerl of Egmont recommends it that the Settlers in Georgia should leave some Timber standing on each Lett and not to build their Houses too near together to be lyable to damage by Fire.
There has been a Petition presented to the Trustees from
Jeudah Senior Henriques against Mr. Abraham De Lyon complaining that he had sold agdtKx a Chest of Carpenter's Tools in Georgia for It 7:4:4 Sterling for the said Henriques as by Letter dated 15th. Novr. 173^*
But has never remitted the ssid Money to him, The Trustees gave for answer That there were Courts of Judicature in Georgia Invested with proper Authoritys to do Justice in all matters within (359) their Jurisdiction. But they directed me to acquaint You with the Fact; Since it might prevent a Clamour here if Mr. De lyon was spoke to to do
Justice, without Exrpence of Law.
- Este es un interesante documento legal y parece pertenecer a esta persona.
'House of Lords Journal Volume 23: April 1730, 21-30', Journal of the House of Lords volume 23: 1727-1731 (1767-1830), pp. 542-556.
Henriques & al. versus Dutch West India Company:
After hearing Counsel, to argue the Errors assigned upon the Writ of Error brought into this House the Tenth Day of March last, wherein Jacob Lopez Henriques, Judah Senior Henriques, Isaac Senior Henriques, William Hubbald, and Charles Nelson are Plamtiffs, and the Dutch West India Company are Defendants, in order to reverse a Judgement given in the Court of King's Bench, affirming a Judgement of the Court of Common Pleas; and due Consideration had of what was offered in this Case:
Judgement affirment, with Costs.
It is Ordered and Adjudged, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That the said Judgement given in the Court of King's Bench, affirming the Judgement of the Court of Common Pleas, be, and the same is hereby, affirmed; and that the Record be remitted, to the End Execution may be had thereupon, as if no such Writ of Error had been brought into this House: And it is surther Ordered, That the Plaintiffs do pay, or cause to be paid, to the Defendants, the Sum of One Hundred Pounds, for their Costs sustained by reason of the bringing the said Writ of Error.
The Tenor of which Judgement, to be assixed to the Transcript of the Record to be remitted, follows; (videlicet,)
"Sed quia Cur. Parliamenti præd. nunc hic de Judicio suo de et super Præmiss. reddend. nondum advisatur, Dies inde dat. est Partibus præd. coram eadem Cur. Parliamenti apud Westm. usque Diem Sabbati, Vicesimum Quintum Diem Aprilis prox. sequen. de Judicio suo mde audiend. eo quod Cur. Parliamenti præd. nunc hic mde nondum &c.; ad quem Diem, coram eadem Cur. Parliamenti præd. apud Westm. præd. ven. Partes præd. per Attorn. suos præd; super quo, visis et per Cur. Parliamenti præd. nunc hic diligenter examinatis et plenius intellectis tam Record. et Process. præd. ac Judic. super eisdem reddit. quam præd. Causis et Materiis per præd. Jacob, Judah, Isaac, Will'um, et Carolum, superius pro Error. assign. maturaque Deliberatione inde habita, videtur Cur. Parliamenti præd. nunc hic, quod nec in Record. et Process. præd. nec in Adjudicatione Exccutionis Judic. præd. neque in Affirmatione præd. Judic. Adjudicationis Executionis, in ullo est Errat. ac quod Record. ill. in nullo vitiosum aut defectivum existit: Ideo consideratum est per eandem Cur. Parliamenti præd. quod Judic. Adjudication. Execution. præd. necnon Affirmatio ejusdem Judic. Adjudication. Execution. in omnibus affirmentur, ac in omnibus suis Robore et Effectu stent, dictis Causis et Materiis per præfat. Jacob, Judoh, Isaac, Will'um, et Carolum, superius pro Error. assign. in aliquo non obstant. E: ulterius per eandem Cur. Parliamenti præd. nunc hic cons. est, quod præd. General. Privilegiat. Societas Belgic. ad Indos Occidental. negotian. recuperet versus præfat. Jacob, Judah, Isaac, Will'um, et Carolum, Centum Libras, eidem General. Privilegiat. Societat. Belgic. ad Indos Occidental. negotian. ex Assensu suo, per eandem Cur. Parliamenti præd. juxta Formam Statut. inde edit. et provis. adjudicat. pro Dampnis, Misis, et Custagiis suis, quæ habuit Occasione Dilationis Executionis Judic. præd. Prætextu Prosecution. dicti Brevis de Error.; et quod prædict. General. Privilegiat. Societas Belgic. ad Indos Occidental. negotian. habeat versus præsat. Jacob, Judah, Isaac, Will'um, et Carolum, inde Execution. &c.; ac superinde Record. præd. necnon Process. in eadem Cur. Parliamenti in Præmiss. habit. per eandem Cur. Parliamenti, Curiæ dicti Domini Regis, coram ipso Rege, ubicunque &c. remittuntur &c."
- "American Jewish Archives" vol. XLIV Spring/Summer, 1992 Number 1,Page 128. He belonged to a group of Jewish magnates in the Hague circle of Stadholder William III, later King William III of England. At the time of his fathers death some documents needed signing, at that time he was living in London, England.